Sound Foundation Somerset
Autumn 2021
Welcome to our termly newsletter!
Find out about all the great musical opportunities coming up for young musicians and how you can get involved...
A quick message from the chair of SFS...
Welcome to the Summer Term! I do hope that the superb weather we have been living with for the last couple of weeks is a sign of sunnier times to come for all of us as we look forward to a less restricted world.
The big news this term is the publication of the Model Music Curriculum (Teaching music in schools - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)) Whilst this is non-statutory guidance and there are some detractors at the very least it demonstrates how “progression” can be taught and demonstrated from KS 1 to 3.
Indeed publication of the MMG inspired me to dig out “Music in the Secondary School Curricuuym” by John Paynter (1982) in which he illustrates how music of the twentieth century alone, with few exceptions, can be used as to support the curriculum.
Sound Foundation Somerset
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Concert for the people of Bath
Bath Phil returns to this year's Bath Festival, performing alongside two sensational young soloists, Coco Tomita and Alexandra Dariescu, playing two of the best loved concertos of all time. More info>
Centre for Young Musicians Taunton
Summer Holiday Course 2021
When: 2nd Aug - 6th Aug 2021
Where: Richard Huish College
Centre for Young Musicians Taunton is now taking bookings for its Summer Holiday Course 2021 for all 10 – 18s. It'll be an action-packed week of fun workshops in music, drama and much more. More info>
Facebook Live concert series
Live Music Now are continuing their Facebook Live concert series for schools and families. These are inclusive concerts suitable for pupils with additional needs as well as primary-age classes. More info>
Sing Up Day
The brand new Sing Up Day anthem (We are) Unstoppable is out now, along with supporting resources and activities. Join singers around the world in celebrating the power of song. Get the date in your school calendar, share it with teacher friends, and look out for more Sing Up Day news. More info>
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Explore the Orchestra
When: 24th Apr - 22nd May 2021
All students are invited to Explore the Orchestra this summer term, as Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra shares a brand-new online series of 5 free educational programmes showcasing each section of a symphony orchestra. More info>
Centre for Young Musicians Taunton
Young Composers Course
Are you a composer aged 14 – 18? Guildhall Young Artists is running a Young Composers Course online this term starting on 5 May. There's still time for students to sign up to this and it's open to all. Ideal for students working towards GCSE or A Level Music and/or students hoping to develop their compositional skills. It's very high quality, accessible and fun. More info>
The Sound of the Streets
A festival of outdoor music and street bands for 2022 planned July 2022 with a CPD day in June.
The Sound of the Streets is a celebration of outdoor music and street bands. Street Band music presents unique opportunities for music in schools and is excellent for engaging with young people, whole classroom teaching, progression and developing musical skill and confidence. More info>
Creative Leaders Network
Support and Skills for Creative Leaders working with SEND students.
This session includes a combination of updates and input to support provision, inspiring practical or exemplar resources and experiences to take back into the classroom. More info>
Live Music Now Online
You can find a wide selection of pre-recorded performances and activities on Live Music Now’s website
Ten Pieces: Musical Menu
Welcome to Ten Pieces Musical Menu – a weekly buffet of primary music activities from across the BBC.
Ten Pieces Tasters
Previously known as Ten Pieces at Home, Ten Pieces Tasters are simple, fun, creative activities for primary age children.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
BSO Young Explorers
BSO Participate is pleased to release the first in a series of digital initiatives to inspire all ages. From learning to compose and performing sea shanties to a curated night-time playlist.
Artsmark SPARK! Calling Somerset schools - funding and support for your Artsmark journey!
Artsmark SPARK! is an opportunity for Somerset schools to access funding, CPD and support, for developing arts & cultural learning in their setting.
Managed by Spaeda, with funding from Sound Foundation Somerset and Real Ideas Organisation, the scheme aims to provide a boost to teaching, learning, and creativity in schools, especially in these challenging times.
Schools can apply for up to £1500 of funds, plus have their £500 Artsmark registration fee paid for!
As well as the match funding, you will be able to access a wide range of creative CPD for staff, resources, and support with writing your Statement of Commitment for Artsmark, including connecting with cultural partners.
Thank you to the 26 Somerset schools who have already pledged and will receive the match funding and support for their creative Artsmark journeys!
Welcome to a New Season at Jackdaws
Jackdaws have an exciting line up of Weekend and One Day Music Courses in their 29th season. Jackdaws is situated on the banks of the Mells river, surrounded by beautiful English countryside, set among the fields, rivers and valleys of Somerset. Learn More about their many exciting courses here: https://www.jackdaws.org.uk/music-courses/
Somerset Music play an “Instrumental” part during lockdown
Somerset Music is the Somerset County Council’s music service, offering a wide range of services to Children and Young People across the county.
During lockdown Somerset Music has seen a significant rise in the number of children using music as a way to help express themselves and therefore wanting to start playing a musical instrument or wanting to join their online singing group.
So, to meet the demands the team has created an online music learning portal. This portal provides schools and pupils with a secure and easy to use remote classroom environment.
As well as this Somerset Music has increased the number of musical instruments available for hire to both schools and individuals and increased the number of 1-2-1 music lessons available online for children wishing to take up a musical instrument.
So, if your school is interested in finding out more about our remote “music Classroom” learning portal or you have a pupil who potentially is interested in either joining a choir or orchestra or wishing to learn a new musical instrument then please get in touch with a member of our Somerset Music Team.
Youth Music-funded SEND Inspire Programme
Alex Garden and Harriet Riley have been working with two classes at Penrose School, creating music inspired by the natural world. They continued during the Spring lockdown with live online sessions via MS Teams and pre-recorded videos, and are now back in school to finish the project. Live Music Now is looking for one more special school to take part in its Youth Music-funded SEND Inspire programme this year: if you are interested in a three-day creative music project for your students, please contact sophie.dunn@livemusicnow.org.uk